Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sunday Stills ~ 2011 Favourites

This week's Sunday Stills challenge was to post your favourite photo from 2011 and your photographic goals for 2012.

I cheated, I couldn't pick one.  These three are my favourite "Sunday Stills" photos:

I wasn't sure if the challenge only applied to photos from Sunday Stills or if it was open to other pics, so I'm adding these two that I had posted on Wordless Wednesdays. 

Which photo do you like?

Now on to goals... I'm really hoping to improve both my basic skills and to learn how to edit photos better.  Pretty much all I do is crop and add my little watermark.  Sometimes I'll tweak the colours a bit, to make the pic more like how it appeared to me in person or to bring out some definition.  However sometimes I'd like to be able to do a bit more... there are some pics that I'd like to share that need "stuff" in the background removed (or foreground.... helllloooo poo piles lol) or they need to be straightened a bit, that kind of thing.
Also, I managed to find a class that was affordable AND fit my odd schedule (Sundays starting in February) so I'm really looking forward to that.

I had mentioned awhile ago that other than my Nikon D90 I don't really have a camera that I like.  My favourite point & shoot (Nikon S210) was knocked off a shelf in the barn (bad barn kitty), then we got a Canon Powershot something that I liked and it died while we were on vacation.  We replaced it with a Canon Elph that I just really haven't gotten along with (seriously, that camera does NOT like me).  Shopping with hubby I was pretty sure I'd end up with a camera for Christmas (he likes the Elph so it will be his)  Imagine my surprise and delight to get TWO new cameras for Christmas!! (yep, spoiled lol)  I now have a silver Nikon S9100 and a red Nikon P500 - 36x zoom!


  1. Ooooo you did get spoiled for Christmas!
    I like the Tucker photo, and the rocks.

  2. OK I just checked out those cameras- you should be able to get some fabulous barrel racing action shots, and movies. I bet some great moon shots too. What fun for you!

  3. I especially like the dog and the horse photos.

    Those sound like lovely cameras!! Awesome Xmas presents.

  4. Hope you are as pleased with your S9100 as I am with mine. My only complaint is that you have to charge the battery in the camera. You have to buy a regular charger separately.

    Happy New Year!

  5. Deffinatley the horseshoe pic, two new cameras? You must have been very good last year, now don't break them..;-))

  6. Yes. The horseshoe picture all the way.... while i am not a Nikon girl, those are nice cameras - I also have a little point and shoot camera that I think i would cry if it ever died on me.


Wordless Wednesday ~ new trailer!