Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Barn Kitties!!

The kitties we already have are strictly indoor cats. After Mr. Mouse trying to introduce himself at the bale stack I told Pie that we needed barn kitties asap!
We now have 4 barn cats. The 2nd and 3rd came together, from my stepdad who works at an ethanol plant. The were spending the night at my mom's before being "delivered" so I asked her if she was naming them for me. She said only if I want them named Eth n' Ol. lol So here they are:



Now this wee kitty was the 1st one we got. She's too little to mouse yet but she sure looks like she's stalking something here:


And kitty #4 we ended up taking in from my friend ZZ (whom we had gotten Evie from) We were only going to have the 3 but the girl that was supposed to take her backed out. And seeing as Evie is pretty young a friend her age might be a good idea (besides you never know how long barn cats will be around) Here she is:


Evie, Oleta, Ethel and Olive... sounds like a group of little old ladies! lol


  1. Way cute kitties. So fluffy and innocent I want to reach in your photos and scoop them up - fair warning though barn kitties seem to come and go. I was always so heart broken as a kid when one would disappear. But they are still cool and so incredibly useful and maybe where you live its a better spot for them.

  2. Very sweet , I sure could have sent you a few barn cats! but its a bit of hike from my place

  3. they are so cute, barn cats are the best, we dont have any indoor cats anymore they keep the mice away from the yard (and gophers too)

  4. Cats!..........Well now, ...we had two. Sapho & Teddy. Sapho is no longer of this earth, and Teddy is 16 yrs old. Rubbish mousers, but great company.

  5. Congrats on the newbarn kitties. Love the names and they are so cute, too!

    Wish we could have barn kitties here, but in the past, the ones we've had were quickly taken by coyotes. :(


  6. I think the mice might be bigger than the kitties right now!
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

  7. Oh - they are so cute! I love tabby cats... :-) They do have a tendency to have a bit harder life, but you've given them a good home, so hopefully they are with you for a long time...

    (now I want a kitten! Thanks! lol)

  8. :) The place is filling up fast with cuteness! Congrats!

  9. I love those names! They will soon be the terror of the mouse population there!

  10. They are too precious!! I just LOVE kitties!!!


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