Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wordless Wednesday (the original)


  1. LOL!! I love it!! See GREAT minds!! I love horses eyes!! They are beautiful..well most of them are!

  2. Great pictures Cdn!!! Is the bay your old mare?

    I really enjoyed reading your cattle sorting saga below...glad that you all had fun!

  3. Melanie - the dark horse in the second pic is actually Kimfer's dad's TWH Rainey. He's black and spends a LOT of time hanging out in the shelter.
    That pic is from this summer, he was in a pasture with only bush... no man made shelter for poor Rainey. He found this bush has a "tunnel" through it and decided it would do.

  4. Love it! i have a thing for eye pics!

    Cows can go alot faster than people give them credit! If you really want to know how fast one can run, get behind it and start swinging a rope! LOL!

  5. so what will Thursday bring....

    Love the pics!


Wordless Wednesday ~ new trailer!