Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Not Quite Wordless Wednesday

Remember how I've whined complained  mentioned our lack of snow this winter?  Mother Nature blessed us with a heavy snowfall, finally...
Drifts anywhere from knee to waist deep.  Believe it or not, in the below pic there's a driveway somewhere!
Looking out toward that same hill as in my header, taken from just a few feet farther to the right.
Those are some big snow piles.

Hera thought this snow was just for her.  Her favourite game is to run and then flop down and snowplow her face through the snow.


  1. That is a LOT of snow! It's very pretty. I absolutely love that last picture. What a doll!

  2. I would do the same as Hera if I could only find some snow..;-)

  3. The best thing about late season snowfalls? They don't last long!
    Your puppy is delightful.

  4. That is a lot of snow!! We've had a bit of snow this year, the most being around 16". I am glad it is almost spring. I am ready for it to warm up and the mud to go away!

  5. Aww Hera is so cute with all that snow on her face


Wordless Wednesday ~ new trailer!