Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mikey's Virtual Bridal Shower

Wow talk about a wedding I'm really disappointed to be missing!  Mikey & Wade are getting hitched oh March 17th... yes St Patty's Day AND it will be a horseback wedding no less!
I may not have met Mikey in person but I really hope to one day.  She's a heckuva woman and I am so thankful that I've gotten to peek into her world through her blog and become her friend on Facebook.
I always look forward to reading about the adventures and storied she tells of their life in Arizona, some funny, some heart stopping, some funny, some heart breaking, oh and did I mention funny?  Somehow I think the post about their wedding will be my favourite one yet!
(yes she has promised to blog the wedding!)

Now I know that when some people toast a couple they wish them wealth and stuff like that, but I think Mikey holds the same values as I do... which is why I would like to raise a virtual glass and toast Mikey & Wade to a long lifetime together filled with joy, happiness, love, laughter and health
as their two trails become one.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Lisa! Some day we will meet!! Thank you for the toast, I think it's the sweetest thing ever :)
    I'll just go be all emotional now *sniffle* You guys are the best!


Wordless Wednesday ~ new trailer!