Sunday, July 27, 2008

See ya soon!

I've been in blogging overdrive the last few days... maybe I'm cramming in as much as I can in case my laptop doesn't cooperate? At least most of the blogs I read I can play catch up with when I get home. That darn Joe at TBFriends though, if you don't read his post that day its gone! So I'm going to miss those all week :( (and I am secretly hoping that all y'all aren't too chatty this week! ;p)

So here's a rundown of the week:

Monday - arrive, settle horses in, set up camp, get groceries.

Tuesday - visit the RCMP heritage museum, office opens - pay entries & fees

Wednesday - 1st Open run (Kimfer & I entered)

Thursday - 2nd Open run (K & I again) and 1st Barrel Bonanza run (Kimfer)

Friday - final Open run off for those who qualified and 2nd BB run, clean up, load up and head home!

Of course there is daily stall cleaning/feed & watering/exercising of the ponies. Maybe we'll hit the midway. Do some shopping, maybe hit a movie (for the air conditioning if nothing else!)

I am hoping to make a post of two while I'm gone, if not I'll take notes and play catch up posting when I return. Have a fun week all my blogfriends! (but don't post a lot! lol)


  1. Go and see Momma Mia if you can. I loved it. You have to have a least a small taste for Abba. Good luck.

  2. Be safe, have fun, good luck and take pix!


    Tell us all about it when you come back even if it didn't go well I know you are out there trying your heart out!

  4. PS

    Love your new header...

    I need to do something more creative - just haven't had time....

  5. Ride really really well... for some reason that was something my CA friends and I always said before a show? IDK way though? Have fun! and I too hate that TB Friends doesn't have an archieve!

    Don't forget an extra pair of reins for Kimfer;-)


Wordless Wednesday ~ new trailer!