Thursday, February 16, 2012

Doggie play day

Tuesday afternoon it was super nice outside so Pete & I spent some time outside just letting the dogs romp around.
Despite these pics looking snowy, its not really.  These were taken in the back yard, where the snow is deepest.  Those trees in the background, that tall grass at their base is normally covered (yep I'm still singing the no snow blues lol)
We've had a big milestone here for Walter.  He finally learned that he CAN go down the deck stairs on his own!  Which means no more nudging him off the top step ;)


  1. Looks like the Disney movie Snow Buddies..:-) Did you see the story on Yahoo about the Boston Terrier in Germany who has adopted the 6 wild boar pigletts? It was too cute..:-)

  2. Hopefully it won't be a wet spring - can't plant crops in soggy fields.
    Walter sure is growing, and getting cuter by the minute.

  3. I love watching dogs romp in the snow. They seem to have such a good time!

  4. What a beautiful place and a pleasing photo : )

  5. @Ed - I haven't seen that, I'll have to google it.

  6. they sure are cute!!! it has been spring-like here too. this non-winter is sort of creepy...this has not been normal.

  7. Winter sure looks prettier with snow on the ground

  8. So cute! My Boston would be shivering in her little boots!


Wordless Wednesday ~ new trailer!