Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Running around in circles

Well, that's the plan at least!  Barrel racing season is in full swing, I've even got a couple double headers booked at my place :)

The barrel patch and the arena are looking good so I have places to practice, I just need to find the time!  And the time to get them legged up and keep them that way.

To qualify for Provincial Finals I need 6 jackpots per horse.  For our Mini Finals (district finals) I need 3 per horse and 6 separate District 1 jackpots as a rider (ie taking 2 horses to a double header would only count as 2 jackpots for the rider although the rider is entered 4 times)  Looks like the clock is ticking! 

I have three horses for barrel racing and a two horse trailer so that's a bit of a sticker, I guess I'll have to pick and choose who I think will run best indoors for PF.  If possible I'll see if I can hitch a ride for the 3rd horse to MF so I can enter all three.  Time will tell I guess.

After having the blahs this winter it's kinda just hit me that the barrel racing bug has bitten again!


  1. So exciting! And that is so cool that you will have some at your place, that sure makes it easier! Good luck and can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. So exciting! I think it is great that you have a couple of events booked for your place - that should help with entries! :-)

    Can't wait to hear how your season goes!

  3. Very exciting! It seemed like winter was forever and now Bam summer is upon us!


Wordless Wednesday ~ new trailer!