Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Reluctant Models
I had bought bronc nosebands for Voodoo & Applejack a couple years ago. When I saw the same vendor at the Equine Expo last month I had to order ones for Smudge & Lefta.
I tried to get 'nice' pics of the kids modelling their duds but do you think they'd cooperate? Nooo, well except for Appy that is... look at him bat those eyes
Normally I'm not a fan of bronc halters, a lot of them are big and "clunky" looking and IMO do nothing for a horse's head. Now I'm not saying these are super flattering either but I like the variety she has in shapes, sizes, colours and styles. I like that you can choose what conchos and other 'bling' you want (or don't want)
I chose this one for Applejack specifically because of the colour, however his name didn't fit so I put the initials of his papered name.
I really like the masculine feel of it, including the conchos. I think choosing brass dots instead of crystals of some kind helped keep that masculine feel but still dressed it up.
The rest of the models were more interested in scritches & cookies than having there photos taken...
Voodoo's has a few clear crystal spots, again I picked it for the colour of the hide. His is a more simple, regular shape.
I didn't see a band with hair that I liked for Smudgers so I went with leather. I chose a fairly traditionally shaped one figuring it would suit his big noggin. "Steel" dots instead of crystal, barb wire tooling and his name stamped in big, bold letters.
I found Smudge's pretty quickly but when I looked for one for Lefta I was at a loss. The ones with hide didn't look like they'd flatter her, and I didn't see a leather one I liked. Then I saw a sample one of a grey/white hide and asked if she could make one in that hide. Sure enough she could so Lefta got hide with her name burned in and to 'girlie-fy' it I asked for purple & clear 'crystals'.
A better look at the crystals and the conchos with crystal centres. They really do look more purpley than they're showing up, its a pale purple but its purple (although that bright halter should be purple enough lol)
I tried to get 'nice' pics of the kids modelling their duds but do you think they'd cooperate? Nooo, well except for Appy that is... look at him bat those eyes
Normally I'm not a fan of bronc halters, a lot of them are big and "clunky" looking and IMO do nothing for a horse's head. Now I'm not saying these are super flattering either but I like the variety she has in shapes, sizes, colours and styles. I like that you can choose what conchos and other 'bling' you want (or don't want)
I chose this one for Applejack specifically because of the colour, however his name didn't fit so I put the initials of his papered name.
I really like the masculine feel of it, including the conchos. I think choosing brass dots instead of crystals of some kind helped keep that masculine feel but still dressed it up.
The rest of the models were more interested in scritches & cookies than having there photos taken...
Voodoo's has a few clear crystal spots, again I picked it for the colour of the hide. His is a more simple, regular shape.
I didn't see a band with hair that I liked for Smudgers so I went with leather. I chose a fairly traditionally shaped one figuring it would suit his big noggin. "Steel" dots instead of crystal, barb wire tooling and his name stamped in big, bold letters.
I found Smudge's pretty quickly but when I looked for one for Lefta I was at a loss. The ones with hide didn't look like they'd flatter her, and I didn't see a leather one I liked. Then I saw a sample one of a grey/white hide and asked if she could make one in that hide. Sure enough she could so Lefta got hide with her name burned in and to 'girlie-fy' it I asked for purple & clear 'crystals'.
A better look at the crystals and the conchos with crystal centres. They really do look more purpley than they're showing up, its a pale purple but its purple (although that bright halter should be purple enough lol)
Friday, March 23, 2012
Friday Funny ~ Newborns
When we brought our newborn son to the pediatrician for his first checkup, the doctor said, "You have a cute baby."
Smiling, I said, "I'll bet you say that to all the new parents."
"No," he replied, "just to those whose babies are really good-looking."
"So what do you say to the others?" I asked.
"He looks just like you."
Smiling, I said, "I'll bet you say that to all the new parents."
"No," he replied, "just to those whose babies are really good-looking."
"So what do you say to the others?" I asked.
"He looks just like you."
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Good, The Bad & the Funny
In order of occurrence...
The Bad:
Last Thursday all the horses got their feet done, and that would include the pony & donkey. Just trims and it was just over $300. Ouch.
Even worse, Applejack is foundering. Its feed induced, his white line is stretching. The only founder I've ever dealt with is "road founder". The hay he's been getting is mostly crested wheat and prairie wool, there's just the teensiest bit of alfalfa in it. Still its too rich for him.
The Good:
The hay we have for the cattle is not at all rich. I called my neighbour that we bought it from to double check what's in it and told my farrier, he said go ahead and stick Appy on in there with the cows. So we've got feed and a place to put him. Also its in its very early stages so prognosis for recovery is good.
The Funny:
The cow pen shares a fence with the pen Applejack, Odin & George were in so they've become accustomed to horses over/through the fence. However within 1.7 seconds of being put in the cow pen Appy realized that HE was the boss of them. He moved them around a bit and then settled into the shelter for a snooze. For the last week at the most random times he'll get a gleam in his eye and start moving them around.
The Bad:
Last Thursday all the horses got their feet done, and that would include the pony & donkey. Just trims and it was just over $300. Ouch.
Even worse, Applejack is foundering. Its feed induced, his white line is stretching. The only founder I've ever dealt with is "road founder". The hay he's been getting is mostly crested wheat and prairie wool, there's just the teensiest bit of alfalfa in it. Still its too rich for him.
The Good:
The hay we have for the cattle is not at all rich. I called my neighbour that we bought it from to double check what's in it and told my farrier, he said go ahead and stick Appy on in there with the cows. So we've got feed and a place to put him. Also its in its very early stages so prognosis for recovery is good.
The Funny:
The cow pen shares a fence with the pen Applejack, Odin & George were in so they've become accustomed to horses over/through the fence. However within 1.7 seconds of being put in the cow pen Appy realized that HE was the boss of them. He moved them around a bit and then settled into the shelter for a snooze. For the last week at the most random times he'll get a gleam in his eye and start moving them around.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
A Very Special St Patrick's Day!
It's not JUST St Patrick's Day today,
it's Mikey & Wade's wedding day!
This will be the blogger wedding of the year, and of course in true M&W style it's going to be a horseback wedding in the desert. Mikey generously invited everyone, seriously check it out, and if I coulda been there I woulda been there:)
Instead of my usual St Paddy ramblings I'm dedicating today to Mikey & Wade, so raise a glass with me and toast them
"May you be poor in misfortunes
and rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but happiness
from this day forward.
May good luck be your friend
in whatever you do,
And may trouble be always
a stranger to you."
Here's to a lifetime together of happiness, health and love!
* feel free to leave a toast to Mikey & Wade in the comments *
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Mikey's Virtual Bridal Shower
Wow talk about a wedding I'm really disappointed to be missing! Mikey & Wade are getting hitched oh March 17th... yes St Patty's Day AND it will be a horseback wedding no less!
I may not have met Mikey in person but I really hope to one day. She's a heckuva woman and I am so thankful that I've gotten to peek into her world through her blog and become her friend on Facebook.
I always look forward to reading about the adventures and storied she tells of their life in Arizona, some funny, some heart stopping, some funny, some heart breaking, oh and did I mention funny? Somehow I think the post about their wedding will be my favourite one yet!
Now I know that when some people toast a couple they wish them wealth and stuff like that, but I think Mikey holds the same values as I do... which is why I would like to raise a virtual glass and toast Mikey & Wade to a long lifetime together filled with joy, happiness, love, laughter and health
I may not have met Mikey in person but I really hope to one day. She's a heckuva woman and I am so thankful that I've gotten to peek into her world through her blog and become her friend on Facebook.
I always look forward to reading about the adventures and storied she tells of their life in Arizona, some funny, some heart stopping, some funny, some heart breaking, oh and did I mention funny? Somehow I think the post about their wedding will be my favourite one yet!
(yes she has promised to blog the wedding!)
Now I know that when some people toast a couple they wish them wealth and stuff like that, but I think Mikey holds the same values as I do... which is why I would like to raise a virtual glass and toast Mikey & Wade to a long lifetime together filled with joy, happiness, love, laughter and health
as their two trails become one.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Friday Funny ~ 13
I was walking past the mental hospital the other day,
and all the patients were shouting, "13...13...13...13."
The fence was too high to see over,
but I saw a little gap in the planks
and looked through to see what was going on.
Some jerk then poked me in the eye with a stick.
Then they all started shouting, "14...14...14...14."
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Not Quite Wordless Wednesday
Remember how I've whined complained mentioned our lack of snow this winter? Mother Nature blessed us with a heavy snowfall, finally...
Drifts anywhere from knee to waist deep. Believe it or not, in the below pic there's a driveway somewhere!
Looking out toward that same hill as in my header, taken from just a few feet farther to the right.
Those are some big snow piles.
Hera thought this snow was just for her. Her favourite game is to run and then flop down and snowplow her face through the snow.
Drifts anywhere from knee to waist deep. Believe it or not, in the below pic there's a driveway somewhere!
Looking out toward that same hill as in my header, taken from just a few feet farther to the right.
Those are some big snow piles.
Hera thought this snow was just for her. Her favourite game is to run and then flop down and snowplow her face through the snow.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Lefta!! :D
or "Oops I Bought a Horse!"
Yeah, that's right... she's not a boarder, Lefta is my new horse! And it was really kinda an accident, finding her that is. And yes, I know she looks quite a bit like Cessa... I guess you could say I have a type, and that's a 'plain little bay' lol
Sorry for the not so great pics but she's such a pocket pony that as soon as I go in or near her pen she's THERE. So I get lots of pics like this:
I know, I know, what's the story? How did I find her? Why did I buy her? etc etc
Well I have a habit of cruising the horse for sale ads. Usually someone I know is looking for a horse. Even if they're not its nice to keep an eye on the market, IMO its a good idea to know what horses are going for in your area in case you need to sell one.
(even if you never plan on selling your horse you don't know what the future holds, there's always that 'what if')
So one day I was innocently cruising through one of the many horses for sale groups on Facebook when this pic caught my eye:
I really liked the look of her, then the name caught my attention "On The Money Girl KR". Hmmm... On The Money Red breeding? Before I could stop myself I'd messaged her owner for more information.
She was 5 and green broke, but quiet enough that they'd tossed beginners on her to go for a ride. She was indeed a granddaughter of OTMR, her bloodlines also included Jet Deck, Lady Bugs Moon, Crimson War and Docs Prescription. Now I'm not much of a bloodlines person but all those names were ringing bells. So I messaged a friend of mine with the sales pic, sire & dam's bloodlines and the little info I had. Her advice? At that price if I was interested then go look!
As I have mentioned, I wasn't really looking for a horse for myself. But there has been a tiny thought in the back of my head to someday get a nice horse that had some barrel horse breeding. I hadn't been expecting 'someday' to come for a couple years but here she was and a steal of a deal too!
I thought about it a bit... she was just what I was looking for, it would be nice to have a backup horse (Appy has been off & on, what if Voodoo was hurt too?) and it would give me some riding young stock confidence for when its time to get on the colts (its been a long time since I've been on a youngster). So I thought what the heck, do it. I made plans with the seller to go see the mare, and I kept it really hush hush (I think I told maybe 4 people).
When I went to see her she was out in the field, they caught her easy peasy and she left her herd mates without a fuss. She stood nicely for grooming and saddling, let her feet be handled nicely. I had both the sellers (sisters) ride her, then we switched out to my saddle and they rode her again, then I got on.
Well they weren't fibbing about her being green, she definitely needs to be more educated in the bridle. But she was calm and willing, even though I was a bit nervous - I don't like getting on strange horses, even less so on iffy footing (thank you winter) and it was the first time I had been on ANY horse in a few months... here I was getting on a green, strange horse?! But she was good! She was willing and soft even though she was a bit uncertain. I had felt her legs over, watched her move while they were riding her and was pleased with the test ride (for what it was) and there was just this feeling that she was supposed to come home with me. She felt like she wanted me if that makes any sense??
After a bit of chatting we struck a deal, I'd load her and take her home. Pending a vet check, to be done ASAP, the sale would be final (I had already tentatively scheduled a vet check for that week). If for any reason she failed the vet check I would return her the following Sunday. Payment was made and there was a signed and witnessed contract to the conditions, if she was returned I'd be refunded in full.
She loaded like a pro, no fuss getting in my two horse trailer when all she's ridden in were stock trailers. I got her home and put her in a pen by herself... no sense risking injuries!
The vet check went great. No issues came up and she kept a calm, friendly, interested attitude throughout which made my vet say "if she decides she doesn't want to run and be a barrel horse she'll make a heckuva kids horse! Kids horses are born not made and she has a wonderful attitude." When we finished the vet check I tied her up while I put Rootbeer in her pen (might as well have a roomie now) :) The sellers had said that she had never seen donkeys or ponies, and most horses get a bit freaked about the little ponies. She pricked her ears, walked over to Rootbeer with a "what the heck?!" look and gave him a sniff. She must have decided "well you smell like a horse" because then she stuck her face into the bale beside him and that was it for introductions! After watching them for a bit to make sure there weren't any delayed shenanigans I went in the house to call the seller and let her know she wouldn't be coming back :D
She, she, she... well I wasn't using her name for most of the post because I changed it. They had been calling her MJ and it just didn't flow off my tongue (and I confess every time I said it I thought "Micheal Jackson" lol) She didn't seem attached to the name MJ, I started calling her Girl before the vet check, after she passed I started calling her Lefta and she responded right away!
Now why Lefta you ask? It seems that money themed names are common... Cash, Dollar, Moolah, etc. Well she's an On The Money Red grand baby, Money is part of her name so why not give the 'money' theme a twist? Lefta happens to be Greek for money! (although that may not come up in a translator, it might be slang lol) Also it happens to be one of the names on my list of possible future horse names... perfect time to put it to use I'd say ;)
Yeah, that's right... she's not a boarder, Lefta is my new horse! And it was really kinda an accident, finding her that is. And yes, I know she looks quite a bit like Cessa... I guess you could say I have a type, and that's a 'plain little bay' lol
Sorry for the not so great pics but she's such a pocket pony that as soon as I go in or near her pen she's THERE. So I get lots of pics like this:
I know, I know, what's the story? How did I find her? Why did I buy her? etc etc
Well I have a habit of cruising the horse for sale ads. Usually someone I know is looking for a horse. Even if they're not its nice to keep an eye on the market, IMO its a good idea to know what horses are going for in your area in case you need to sell one.
(even if you never plan on selling your horse you don't know what the future holds, there's always that 'what if')
So one day I was innocently cruising through one of the many horses for sale groups on Facebook when this pic caught my eye:
I really liked the look of her, then the name caught my attention "On The Money Girl KR". Hmmm... On The Money Red breeding? Before I could stop myself I'd messaged her owner for more information.
She was 5 and green broke, but quiet enough that they'd tossed beginners on her to go for a ride. She was indeed a granddaughter of OTMR, her bloodlines also included Jet Deck, Lady Bugs Moon, Crimson War and Docs Prescription. Now I'm not much of a bloodlines person but all those names were ringing bells. So I messaged a friend of mine with the sales pic, sire & dam's bloodlines and the little info I had. Her advice? At that price if I was interested then go look!
As I have mentioned, I wasn't really looking for a horse for myself. But there has been a tiny thought in the back of my head to someday get a nice horse that had some barrel horse breeding. I hadn't been expecting 'someday' to come for a couple years but here she was and a steal of a deal too!
I thought about it a bit... she was just what I was looking for, it would be nice to have a backup horse (Appy has been off & on, what if Voodoo was hurt too?) and it would give me some riding young stock confidence for when its time to get on the colts (its been a long time since I've been on a youngster). So I thought what the heck, do it. I made plans with the seller to go see the mare, and I kept it really hush hush (I think I told maybe 4 people).
When I went to see her she was out in the field, they caught her easy peasy and she left her herd mates without a fuss. She stood nicely for grooming and saddling, let her feet be handled nicely. I had both the sellers (sisters) ride her, then we switched out to my saddle and they rode her again, then I got on.
Well they weren't fibbing about her being green, she definitely needs to be more educated in the bridle. But she was calm and willing, even though I was a bit nervous - I don't like getting on strange horses, even less so on iffy footing (thank you winter) and it was the first time I had been on ANY horse in a few months... here I was getting on a green, strange horse?! But she was good! She was willing and soft even though she was a bit uncertain. I had felt her legs over, watched her move while they were riding her and was pleased with the test ride (for what it was) and there was just this feeling that she was supposed to come home with me. She felt like she wanted me if that makes any sense??
After a bit of chatting we struck a deal, I'd load her and take her home. Pending a vet check, to be done ASAP, the sale would be final (I had already tentatively scheduled a vet check for that week). If for any reason she failed the vet check I would return her the following Sunday. Payment was made and there was a signed and witnessed contract to the conditions, if she was returned I'd be refunded in full.
She loaded like a pro, no fuss getting in my two horse trailer when all she's ridden in were stock trailers. I got her home and put her in a pen by herself... no sense risking injuries!
The vet check went great. No issues came up and she kept a calm, friendly, interested attitude throughout which made my vet say "if she decides she doesn't want to run and be a barrel horse she'll make a heckuva kids horse! Kids horses are born not made and she has a wonderful attitude." When we finished the vet check I tied her up while I put Rootbeer in her pen (might as well have a roomie now) :) The sellers had said that she had never seen donkeys or ponies, and most horses get a bit freaked about the little ponies. She pricked her ears, walked over to Rootbeer with a "what the heck?!" look and gave him a sniff. She must have decided "well you smell like a horse" because then she stuck her face into the bale beside him and that was it for introductions! After watching them for a bit to make sure there weren't any delayed shenanigans I went in the house to call the seller and let her know she wouldn't be coming back :D
She, she, she... well I wasn't using her name for most of the post because I changed it. They had been calling her MJ and it just didn't flow off my tongue (and I confess every time I said it I thought "Micheal Jackson" lol) She didn't seem attached to the name MJ, I started calling her Girl before the vet check, after she passed I started calling her Lefta and she responded right away!
Now why Lefta you ask? It seems that money themed names are common... Cash, Dollar, Moolah, etc. Well she's an On The Money Red grand baby, Money is part of her name so why not give the 'money' theme a twist? Lefta happens to be Greek for money! (although that may not come up in a translator, it might be slang lol) Also it happens to be one of the names on my list of possible future horse names... perfect time to put it to use I'd say ;)
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Sunday Stills ~ Through an Opening
This week's Sunday Stills challenge:
"For this next Sunday Stills challenge find an opening (a window, knothole, fence…) and use it to frame something on the other side. I found it harder than it sounds."
My favourite little man was my subject this week. He was locked in the barn and peeked out the 'kitty door' to guilt trip me:
"For this next Sunday Stills challenge find an opening (a window, knothole, fence…) and use it to frame something on the other side. I found it harder than it sounds."
My favourite little man was my subject this week. He was locked in the barn and peeked out the 'kitty door' to guilt trip me:
Friday, March 2, 2012
Friday Funny ~ Photo radar
A man was driving when a traffic camera flashed. He thought his picture was taken for exceeding the speed limit, even though he knew he was not speeding. Just to be sure, he went around the block and passed the same spot, driving even more slowly, but again the camera flashed. He thought this was quite funny, so he slowed down even further as he drove past the area, but the traffic camera flashed yet again. He tried a fourth time with the same result. The fifth time he was laughing when the camera flashed as he rolled past at a snail's pace.
Two weeks later, he got five traffic fine letters in the mail for driving without a fastened seat belt.
Two weeks later, he got five traffic fine letters in the mail for driving without a fastened seat belt.
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Its gonna happen. Its really gonna happen! Today I got the most wonderful phone call from our awesome banker Lana. And it said that we hav...
Well it seems that sometime in the future, near or distant, I'll be horse shopping again. THIS time I'm going to try to lead with my...