Sunday, January 3, 2021

Welcome to 2021! Please be kind!

We all know 2020 was a rough year for most, although some people did benefit from the strangeness that became our world.

It wasn't all bad though.  And I have hope that 2021 will be better.  Of course that won't be overnight.

I'm not going to recap 2020 here, instead I'll look forward to this year.

Going into each year I give myself some goals (not resolutions!) and a word for the year.  Last years word was Grace and I'll admit I lacked that at times, and sometimes by a LOT.  This year my word is Authentic. A reminder to be more true to myself and who I am for starters.

A couple of my goals that I can share right off the bat are 

1- to blog more regularly.  Even though I'm not sure if anyone reads this anymore lol I do find it helpful to look back on.  Which should be even more handy with the young horses coming up.

2- to ride more.  I log my hours with AQHA and in 2019 I missed entering them.  Any of them.  Because I usually log them in December toward the end of the month and between being busy and having trouble logging in those hours for the whole year didn't get counted.  So this year I'm going to log them at the end of every two months (I do keep track both through a riding app and a dayplanner that's dedicated to only horse/ranchette stuff so I have a tally of who was rode and how long).  I did enter my 2020 hours though and I'm just shy of 300 so the goal for this year is to hit 400.  If I'd had those 2019 hours... dangit.  My own punishment for being a procrastinator lol

Pictured are Reya and Rosa

Wordless Wednesday ~ new trailer!